This site isn’t much to look at…yet.
Thank you for (probably) stumbling into! Eventually, I hope to build this site into a leading destination for everything related to the Northeast Pennsylvania dining and drink scene. It will be a place that will showcase, celebrate, and review all of the spectacular culinary establishments, breweries, wineries, and food and drink events that the NEPA area has to offer.
That’s what I want this place to be. Eventually.
But as you can probably see from looking around, there isn’t much here yet. That will change over the coming days, weeks, months, and years. I’ll be posting new articles to on a regular basis and will do my very best to try and capture the exceptional flavors that the NEPA region has to offer anyone fortunate enough to call this place home, visitors who are just stopping in or passing through, or for anyone outside of the area who might be thinking about making the trek to this area.
Who am I?
My name is Dan. I was born and raised in NEPA and I’ve spent the majority of my life calling this place “home.” During my time here, I’ve come to the strongly held belief that Northeast Pennsylvania is a region that is blessed with some of the greatest food and wine establishments. I’ve also done a fair bit of traveling across the United States and have accrued enough context to know that what we have right here is something special.
Am I the most qualified person to be attempting something as ambitious as I described above? Certainly not and I won’t pretend otherwise. But I’m going to try and accomplish it anyway.
Stay tuned.
I could continue to yammer on and on about what I want this site to evolve into, the ideas that I’d like to explore, and reasons that I think you should continue to pay attention to this space. Instead, I’ll just wrap this up here and set to work creating it.
If this brief description as to what 570andDown aims to become sounds at all intriguing, keep checking back here to see what becomes of it. Hopefully, it’s something worth both of our time.