The Swamp to Table Platter at Cooper’s Seafood

I tried the new Louisianna-influenced special…

A few days ago, I told you about the new specials menu from Cooper’s Seafood House (Scranton). This lineup of dishes is heavily influenced by Louisianna, centered around such ingredients as alligator, crawfish, and blackening spice. I’m here to report back to you that on a recent visit to the area’s premier seafood restaurant, I ordered the Swamp To Table Platter.

And a pound of crawfish because I love those little buggers.

The Swamp to Table Platter at Cooper's Seafood House (Scranton, PA)
The Swamp to Table Platter at Cooper’s Seafood House

In my opinion, the Swamp To Table Platter ($34.99) is one of the standout items on the updated Cooper’s menu. Aptly named, this entree offers diners the following items, all served on a boat-shaped platter (with the exception of the Alligator Soup, which comes in its own bowl):

  • Jumbo Breaded Frog Legs, served with French Fries
  • Gulf Shrimp Creole, served over rice
  • Blackened Catfish, topped with Crawfish Etufee
  • Louisianna Alligator Soup
  • Coleslaw

That’s a lot of food. And while a reasonable person might be hesitant to order a platter of anything that has the word “swamp” in its name, in this case, there’s no need to be reluctant. This menu item must not be passed over if you enjoy flavorful, spicy seafood.

The Swamp To Table Platter | How was it?

The Louisianna Alligator Soup at Cooper's Seafood House (Scranton, PA)
The Louisianna Alligator Soup at Cooper’s Seafood House

Collectively, the Swamp To Table Platter hits all of the right notes. The flavor profiles of the items that comprise the platter range from crunchy and meaty (the frog legs) to rich and spicy (the alligator soup) and the serving sizes for each of the components are large enough that most people will likely have a hard time finishing off the entire platter in a single sitting.

The Louisianna Alligator Soup (also offered as a stand-alone appetizer) is the most flavorful of anything offered as part of Cooper’s Swamp To Table Platter. Served in a cup-sized portion, the soup stock is a thick, spicy puree that contains ample chunks of alligator meat. A small dollop of white rice offers a soft and mild offset to the fiery kick of the soup base and helps balance everything out.

The Blackened Catfish comes smothered in a hearty crawfish etouffee. The firey blackening spice from the fish is powerful enough that it cuts through the thick etouffee sauce and the tender fish flesh contrasts nicely with the thick lumps of crawfish meat. On a frigid Northeast Pennsylvania evening, this dish packs enough spice to thaw you from the inside out.

The Jumbo Breaded Frog Legs land at the opposite end of the flavor spectrum. The delicate white frog meat is covered by a thin crisp of breading, without a trace of any of the heat that is a prominent component of most everything else featured on the Swamp To Table Platter. Not everyone appreciates a good frog leg but, for those that do, these are delightful.

The Gulf Shrimp Creole completes the platter. Any visit to Cooper’s Seafood House that doesn’t include at least a single serving of shrimp is a wasted opportunity. This dish brings three jumbo shrimps to the party and, served in just slightly spicy tomato Creole sauce, adds yet another wave of heat to the mix. The rice pilaf that it’s served over offers a nice respite from the wave of Cajun spices that are featured heavily across the items on the platter.

I have zero regrets about ordering the Swamp To Table Platter. If you go for this, you’ll be rewarded with a flavorful and spicy combination of dishes and a chance to enjoy some ingredients (alligator, crawfish, frog legs) that aren’t common in our corner of the Commonwealth.

Steamed Whole Crawfish | A must-try item!

A pound of the Steamed Whole Crawfish at Cooper's Seafood House (Scranton, PA)
A pound of the Steamed Whole Crawfish at Cooper’s Seafood House

As an appetizer, I ordered a pound of the Steamed Whole Crawfish. This gives you a dozen-ish of these tasty, tasty crustaceans to crack open and enjoy while you’re waiting for your entree. And you will enjoy them. Served with drawn butter and tossed in a hot blend of seasoning, I’d recommend ordering at least a pound of crawfish each time you visit Cooper’s Seafood House for as long as these clawed delicacies are available on the menu.

What do you think?

Have you had the Swamp To Table Platter or the Steamed Whole Crawfish at Cooper’s Seafood House? Leave your thoughts on these dishes in the comments section below.

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