The Jermyn winery has a new kitchen and expanded hours…
The RiverView Winery, located in Jermyn, PA on the Lackawanna River, is getting a substantial makeover. The winery has added a new kitchen, upgraded the tasting room with new furniture, and expanded its hours of operation. The result will be an enhanced customer experience that will make sitting next to a river while getting wine-drunk even more appealing.
According to a Scranton Times article, the new owner of the RiverView has partnered with Karyn Mason-Chavez, who owns and operates the popular 2Wayz One Passion food truck. She’ll be running the kitchen, offering dishes such as tacos, empanadas, and Mexican hotdogs. This is clearly a win-win partnership, as it gives the winery the ability to offer tasty morsels to its customers while allowing the 2Ways One Passion team to expand its operations into a brick-and-mortar location.

In addition to the new kitchen and food operation, RiverView Winery will be expanding its hours of operation to include Tuesday and Wednesday. This will see the place being open for five days a week and will allow for events such as trivia night (Tuesdays) and open mic night (Wednesdays).
To celebrate all of this, the winery held a grand re-opening this past Friday (January 10th). The event featured a ribbon-cutting ceremony, live music, and provided the first chance for people to experience the new menu.

Personally speaking, I am thrilled about all of this. First of all, news of a local NEPA winery expanding in our area should warm the cockles of all our hearts. Second, I consider myself a longtime fan of the 2Ways One Passion truck, and having their grub available on a regular basis is a blessing. Finally, creating an experience combining wine (one of my favorite things in life) with authentic Mexican food (another of my favorite things) creates a very unique dining and drink experience.
Because I make stupid life decisions, I’m currently committed to Dry January. However, I can assure you that as soon as this sad, dark period comes to an end in 19 days, my ass will be in an Uber taking me to RiverView Winery so I can properly celebrate with vino and tacos.
What do you think?
What are your thoughts on this news of RiverView Winery expanding its operations? Tell us all about it in the comments section below because that’s what good Internet friends do.